Disney Is Leading the Charge Against Netflix By Returning To Weekly Episode Releases
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It's like your living in the last millennium. Nobody, well anybody worth anything, no longer cares about the actors, directors or producers, just entertain me and other than that, well, shut the fuck up.

Not only do I binge but I will skip seasonal release in preference to a fully completed series, one season generally doesn't cut it, I prefer at least three. No program is that important any more, there is just so much competing content, tens of billions of pages on the internet, thousands of computer games off-line and online, politics is much more fun and entertaining now, all sorts of news floating about and that leaves only a tiny bit left for well, light fluff entertainment.

To be honest, netflix is often just running in the background to light gaming, paying attention to only the interesting bits. One fucking episode, seriously shove it where the sun don't shine, striking back, the concept is laughable. Disney the latest episodes of 'WHAT', I don't know, seen zero advertisements, I have no idea what content Disney wants to try to sell to me and well, to be honest, no interest, how could I, it no longer exists in my world.

This article is just another pack of ludicrous bullshit trying to bring back the idiot box with ten minutes of screaming advertisements every twenty minutes, it's a joke, now Disney is trying to pretend like they are special and people love them, what a crock, Disney can crawl into the same hole they dumped star wars in. I have not watched a single episode of any program and I mean ANY program (except news), in years, at least three and probably out to five and that is exactly how little I cared. As far as I am concerned Disney just lost me not even for some months every few years, either they provide full seasons or they can go fuck themselves, done and finished. Prior to Netflix those years before, I bought a season at a time on DVD.

No matter how insane their psychopathic greed, there is no going back to one episode at a time, interrupted every 20 minutes with 10 minutes of commercials. Seriously show one episode a week and then what don't show it any more to force people to watch that week, hmm, well fuck Disney, I will simply wait at least five years and subscribe for a few months and then wait another five years, as for waffling about actors and tv shite, that crap is so last millennium.

Right now it seems like a bunch of corporate executives and just sitting in a circle jerk telling each other they are geniuses and we are idiots and suckers and they snort coke and play with each others genitals. I have news for you, Netflix just paid attention to what their where streaming and how they were streaming it and filled that desire. Disney, nah, fuck you, you piece of shit customers, you will watch what I want you to watch, when I want you to watch it and pay through the nose for the privilege and watch commercials, yeah right, fuck off.

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