  • “今年一季度,我国经济运行持续回升向好,外贸发展质量稳步提升、进出口规模再上新台阶。”在4月12日国新办举行的新闻发布会上,海关总署副署长王令浚表示,一季度我国外贸开局有力、起势良好,为实现全年“质升量稳”目标打下坚实基础 ... 据海关统计,一季度,我国货物贸易进出口总值10.17万亿元人民币,同比(下同)增长5%。进出口规模历史同期首次突破10万亿元,进出口增速创6个季度以来新高。其中,出口5.74万亿元,增长4.9%;进口4.43万亿元,增长5%;出口和进口分别较去年四季度加快4.1个、2.3个百分点
  • U.S. stocks slumped after a Federal Reserve official raised the possibility of delivering none of the cuts to interest rates this year that Wall Street has been banking on, if inflation worsens U.S. stocks slumped after a Federal Reserve official raised the possibility of delivering none of the cuts to interest rates this year that Wall Street has been banking on, if inflation worsens. The S&P 500 dropped 1.2% Thursday for its worst day since February. It erased an earlier gain of nearly 1% that had brought it to the cusp of its record. The Dow swung 1.4% lower, and the Nasdaq composite lost 1.4%. Markets were already unsettled before Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari expressed concern about inflation. Friday’s U.S. jobs report could shake the market further. Oil prices jumped, and Treasury yields sank. On Thursday: The S&P 500 fell 64.28 points, or 1.2%, to 5,147.21. The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 530.16 points, or 1.4%, to 38,596.98. The Nasdaq composite fell 228.38 points, or 1.4%, to 16,049.08. The Russell 2000 index of smaller companies fell 22.38 points, or 1.1%, to 2,053.80. For the week: The S&P 500 is down 107.14 points, or 2%. The Dow is down 1,210.39 points, or 3%. The Nasdaq is down 330.38 points, or 2%. The Russell 2000 is down 70.72 points, or 3.3%. For the year: The S&P 500 is up 377.38 points, or 7.9%. The Dow is up 907.44 points, or 2.4%. The Nasdaq is up 1,037.73 points, or 6.9%. The Russell 2000 is up 26.75 points, or 1.3%. \_\_\_ An earlier version of this item reported erroneously that the S&P 500 fell 1% Thursday.
  • _Godzilla x Kong_ "stomped all over expectations," [writes _Deadline_](https://deadline.com/2024/03/box-office-godzilla-x-kong-the-new-empire-1235871440/), "with an $80M opening, the second best start of the year so far, $2.5M behind the $82.5M opening of Legendary's other big pic this spring, Dune: Part Two... "EntTelligence reports that GxK is expected to pull in more than 5.5M admissions this weekend, the most attended opening weekend for any movie year-to-date." _No one saw this coming... International delivered $114M for a great $194M global start. The Adam Wingard directed movie, not including preview night, commanded 56% of all foot traffic and 89% of all premium format admissions. Imax and PLF drove 38% of the gross with 3D responsible for 19%... Beamed Warner Bros Domestic Distribution Boss Jeff Goldstein, "This is a huge, fun Easter movie for the whole family...." For a fifthquel to bounce back the franchise, _GxK_ being the second best start in the Legendary Monsterverse after _Godzilla_'s $93.1M ten years ago, is pretty remarkable._ The article speculates that the first installments (of both the _Dune_ and _Godzilla vs. Kong_ franchise) underperformed because of their mid-pandemic release dates, with their sequels earning more in 2024. The pure theatricality of _Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire_ "clearly underscores the value of the IP on the big screen, and moviegoers' preference to see such monster mashing in no other place but a theater." (_Deadline_ calls the movie "a really fun creature feature with a lot of heart; heck, it's even better than _Jurassic World: Dominion_. Seriously.") It also earned "the fifth best Easter weekend opening ever," the article points out, coming in behind _Batman v. Superman_ ($181M), _Super Mario Bros Movie_ ($166.4M), _Furious 7_ ($161.2M) and _The Fate of the Furious_ ($107.3M), according to the article. Their headline? "They Have Risen: 'Godzilla x Kong' Conquers Easter Box Office..."
  • [股市快讯](https://www.jiemian.com/lists/116.html) [未经正式授权严禁转载本文,侵权必究。](https://www.jiemian.com/about/copyright.html) * 顺控发展(003039.SZ):4.95亿股限售股将于3月8日解禁上市流通1天前 * 时隔两月又一笔“溢价”收购,顺控发展拟2.6亿元收购盈峰环境旗下顺合环保1个月前 * 中国海油涨超5%,兖矿能源涨超4%,煤炭石油继续强势,能源ETF(159930)大涨超2%强势三连阳,最近4日连续吸金3天前 * 煤炭板块震荡回升,晋控煤业涨超8%3天前
  • ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/293/495/99.jpg) 本文图片均为“新闻透视”微信公众号 图 2月28日,新闻透视播出了嘉定区有四个去年刚交付的经适房小区购房人违规出租,小区中介、二房东泛滥。执法部门在面对投诉时曾表示“认定难”([《“中介”自称手握400套经适房加价转租,记者暗访→》](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/u_BIO9Ye_ofpwgUxzKLZaQ))。节目播出后,嘉定区房管局、人社局会同城管执法部门组织力量对涉事小区展开了现场调查,那么,经适房违规出租应当如何管?出租成风的症结又究竟在哪儿? 2月29日上午,属地房管、城管联合行动,来到南翔秀城·祥云锦苑小区,对涉嫌违规出租的经适房开展现场执法检查 ... ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/293/495/101.jpg) 一路的敲门等待,执法人员全部吃了闭门羹。随后,执法人员拨通了几户涉嫌违规出租的业主电话,业主纷纷搪塞:“我今天感冒,话有点说不出来。”“这个房屋还在装修,我自己要住的。”“我没借,我在装修啊。” 业主这里突破失败,执法人员又转战声称自己手握过百套房源的二房东吴某,但打开吴某之前的办公用房时,里面已经人去楼空。物业负责人表示,这位二房东是从开发商那里租的物业配套用房,而且至今都未按约定交还物业使用,“交房以后我们物业到上面来办公,他们二房东一开始就在了,配套用房应该是去年2月交付的。” ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/293/495/102.jpg) 而联系上开发商后,对方则矢口否认与二房东有过租约,或其他关系
  • Stocks that traded heavily or had substantial price changes on Friday: Pure Storage, Hormel Foods rise; WW International, First Advantage fall February 29, 2024, 12:13 PM NEW YORK -- Stocks that traded heavily or had substantial price changes on Thursday: Okta Inc., up $20 to $107.30. The cloud identity management company gave investors a strong earnings forecast. GoodRx Holdings Inc., up $1.32 to $7.79. The telemedicine company beat analysts' fourth-quarter earnings and revenue forecasts. Duolingo Inc., up $43.49 to $239. The educational technology company gave investors a strong revenue forecast. Pure Storage Inc., up $10.53 to $52.65. The data storage company beat Wall Street's fourth-quarter financial forecasts. WW International Inc., down 69 cents to $3.12. Oprah Winfrey will not stand for re-election to the weight-loss program operator's board of directors. First Advantage Corp., down $1.18 to $15.66. The provider of background screening services gave investors a weak financial forecast for the year. Hormel Foods Inc., up $4.49 to $35.32. The maker of Spam and Dinty Moore stew beat analysts' first-quarter earnings forecasts. Best Buy Co., up $1.20 to $80.88. The electronics retailer reported strong fourth-quarter financial results. ![ABC News]() [ ![](https://s.abcnews.com/images/GMA/princess-kate-gty-jef-240229_1709215117878_hpMain_1x1_144.jpg) ](https://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Culture/kate-middleton-health-latest/story?id=107675286) [ ![](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Sports/wirestory_6504d307ab00daf4a4db4638bfaed632_1x1_144.jpg) ](https://abcnews.go.com/Sports/wireStory/stacy-wakefield-dies-5-months-after-husband-world-107650817) [ ![](https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/Teixeira-1-gty-er-240229_1709242563323_hpMain_1x1_144.jpg) ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/pentagon-leaker-jack-teixiera-plead-guilty-sources/story?id=107694718) [ ![](https://s.abcnews.com/images/Politics/trump-gala_1708776519268_hpMain_1x1_144.jpg) ](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/trump-returns-border-closer-pledging-immigration-elected/story?id=107639755) [ ![](https://s.abcnews.com/images/US/trump2-gty-ml-240228_1709134106555_hpMain_1x1_144.jpg) ](https://abcnews.go.com/US/trump-plans-post-100-million-bond-asks-stay/story?id=107634579)
  • 近日,东华大学生物与医学工程学院张云龙、陈婷团队研发了一款阿尔兹海默症(AD)早筛试剂盒,只需将尿液滴入试纸即可快速评价患病风险等级 ... 已有研究表明,阿尔兹海默症患者尿液中的神经丝蛋白(AD7c-NTP)、磷酸化Tau蛋白(p-Tau181)含量较正常人明显升高。在此基础上,团队试图通过检测人体尿液中两种关键的阿尔兹海默症生物标志物的浓度水平,实现对阿尔兹海默症的早期筛查和预后监测
  • 作者:刘远康,许婧 来源:中新网 发布时间:2024/2/26 20:41:26 选择字号:小 中 大 中新网上海2月26日电 (刘远康 许婧)仅凭一张尿检试纸,或能早期评价患上老年痴呆症的风险程度。记者26日从东华大学获悉,该校生物与医学工程学院科研团队研发出一款阿尔茨海默症(Alzheimers disease,AD)早筛试剂盒,只需将尿液滴入试纸,10-15分钟便可快速评价患病风险等级 ... 阿尔茨海默症(AD)俗称“老年痴呆症”,患者常出现智力和认知障碍等症状且不可逆转。目前,AD临床诊断主要通过脑脊液或血液中的生物标志物检测、影像学检测等方式,多数发现时就已中晚期,意味错过了最佳治疗期,因此早期诊断尤为重要
  • 2月12日,江西赣州石城县一电影院发生一起吵架打人事件,一对夫妻因座位太挤要求前排为其调整座位,可电影院的座位是固定的无法调节,妻子对前排的小伙一直进行语言攻击,最后双方发生争执,夫妻俩竟然电话摇人殴打对方 ... 据了解,后排的夫妻在得知前排座椅无法调整后,一直语言攻击前面的这两个年轻人,两个年轻人被说得忍无可忍,站起来反驳。后排的夫妻一直用脚踹前排的座位。为了不影响其他人观影,他们被工作人员带到电影院外调解矛盾,两个年轻人联系了自己的家长,电影院也选择报警。在这期间,后排夫妻依然喋喋不休,还用手指着对方,双方又爆发了更激烈的争执,还直接电话摇人,来了一伙人,其中有一个穿红衣服的人,直接对着前排学生一个耳光,他们一伙人对着两个学生殴打。对方打完人,直接走了,两个学生的家长和警方随后来到影院现场
  • 编者按:春节的夜晚,卸去一整年的忙碌与疲惫,一家人围炉煮茶、闲话家长里短,听听爸妈的唠叨,体味团聚的温馨,感受辞旧迎新的光阴流转以及我们与家乡的连接。澎湃评论部夜读特别策划《春节的8个晚上》,记录万家灯火的中国年 ... 我是一个年近五旬的中年人,出生与成长在鄂东南的黄冈市浠水县一个小乡村,我的父母非常艰难地培养我长大成人。现在我能做的最重要且最有意义的事,就是感恩双亲,最直接且有力的感恩方式,就是“常回家看看”。我一直迷信这一点
  • ∙ [有戏 >](/list_25448) 2月10日,贾玲执导并主演的电影《热辣滚烫》正式公映,她在社交媒体上也首次公布了自己瘦身100斤后的照片 ... ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/291/107/225.jpg) 瘦身后 此前贾玲为了拍摄影片,“消失”一年,“开机了五次(因为太累了,所以多了一次), 我也成功减了100斤,并且练成了拳击手的样子。杀青那天晚上我一个人坐在床边,月光照在我的背上,我光着膀子吃了五包巧克力威化,一共30块……现在回忆起来感觉自己特别帅,像一个疲惫的勇士拿着自己的战利品!” ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/291/107/261.jpg) 瘦身前 影片讲述乐莹(贾玲 饰)宅家多年,无所事事,脱离社会,封闭社交圈层,一日,在命运的几番“捉弄”下,她决定要换一种方式生活。在与外面的世界小心翼翼的接触中,乐莹结识了拳击教练昊坤(雷佳音 饰)。当她以为生活即将步入正轨时,接踵而至的考验却远超她的想象,滚烫的人生才刚刚开始……
  • ∙ [一号专案 >](/list_25424) ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/291/107/425.jpg) 2021年8月,贵州赫章县的王某某开始在赫章县某地经营小卖部,售卖猪肉粉。2023年2月14日凌晨,王某某因想要粉汤味道更好,在熬制猪肉汤时加入罂粟杆。当日,赫章县公安局及赫章县市场监督管理局联合检查时,对王某某经营的猪肉汤吗啡检测呈阳性,遂现场提取猪肉汤送检。经贵州绿环科技检测有限公司检验,王某某经营的猪肉汤内检出罂粟碱、吗啡、那可丁成分。此后,王某某因涉嫌生产、销售有毒、有害食品罪,于2023年8月21日向赫章县检察院移送起诉 ... 前述案件起诉书于今年2月8日公布在12309中国检察网
  • ![](//k.sinaimg.cn/n/front20240201ac/107/w1024h683/20240201/83be-5bed968a6ed9289e10acbf34aa6d6634.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width) **【新闻调查】** **现象:12306上买不到票,第三方平台显示有票** 有钱没钱,回家过年 ... ![](//k.sinaimg.cn/n/front20240201ac/107/w1024h683/20240201/c842-f1f250cc21904e838a012cbd7c68eff6.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width) 正常情况下,普通人在12306买不到票,就放弃了。在节假日期间很多人会提前购票,有很多人抢了票却没付款,这种情况下,一张票会占用10分钟时间,10分钟后不付款,票就会重新投入。这就是说,一开始会有大量人抢票,但有人会因为各种原因而退票
  • UK regulators say HSBC has been fined $72.8 million for failing to adequately protect customer deposits in the event the bank collapsed LONDON -- HSBC, Europe’s biggest bank, has been fined 57.4 million pounds ($72.8 million) for failing to adequately protect customer deposits in the event that the bank collapsed, U.K. regulators said Tuesday. Two units of London-based HSBC Holdings Plc violated rules designed to ensure regulators have the information they need to protect depositors when banks fail, said Britain’s Prudential Regulation Authority, which is part of the Bank of England. The penalty is the second-biggest ever imposed by the agency, behind only the 87 million pound fine last July against Credit Suisse following the Swiss bank's near-collapse and emergency takeover by rival UBS. The HSBC violations, which occurred between 2015 and 2022, included a failure to accurately identify deposits eligible for protection under a U.K. program that guarantees bank deposits up to 85,000 pounds ($107,800) for individuals, the bank regulator said. “The serious failings in this case go to the heart of the PRA’s safety and soundness objective,” Sam Woods, chief executive of the Prudential Regulation Authority, said in a statement. “It is vital that all banks comply fully with our requirements around preparedness for resolution.” HSBC cooperated with the investigation and agreed to settle the case, the authority said. Without this cooperation, the fine would have been 96.5 million pounds ($122.4 million). The bank said it was “pleased” to resolve the matter. “The PRA’s final notice recognizes the Bank’s co-operation with the investigation, as well as our efforts to fully resolve these issues,” HSBC said in a statement.
  • [![长城](https://icon.solidot.org/images/topics/topicGreat Wall.png)](/search?tid=148) [Wilson](/~Wilson) (42865)发表于 2024年01月29日 16时28分 星期一 [新浪微博分享](//service.weibo.com/share/share.php?url=//www.solidot.org/story?sid=77249&appkey=1370085986&title=%E8%B0%83%E6%9F%A5%E6%98%BE%E7%A4%BA%E9%80%BE%E5%9B%9B%E6%88%90%E5%86%9C%E6%9D%91%E5%A4%A7%E9%BE%84%E7%94%B7%E9%9D%92%E5%B9%B4%E5%AD%98%E5%9C%A8%E5%A9%9A%E9%85%8D%E9%97%AE%E9%A2%98) [![](https://icon.solidot.org/images/a7c7.png)](javascript:void(0);) **来自霸主的影子** 华中师范大学中国农村研究院黄振华教授课题组发布“农村大龄男青年婚配状况”调查报告。该课题组基于对全国 26 个省(区、市)119 个村 1785 个农户的抽样调查发现,超过四成的村庄存在较为严重的大龄男青年婚配难题,中部省份相较于东、西部地区而言,问题更加突出。调查显示,在 119 个样本村庄中,有 51 个村的村干部反映当地存在较为严重的大龄男青年婚配难题,占比 42.7%。1785 个农户中,有 825 个农户认为当地农村大龄男青年婚配难题较为严重,占比 46.1%,东、中、西部分别占比 38.6%、54.8% 和 43.2%。2021 年,我国统计年鉴显示,全国乡村人口性别比为 107.91,男女人口性别比明显失衡,农村男性更易陷入婚配难题。随着打工经济的兴起和发展,传统婚姻圈中的农村女性青年由于外出务工,往往选择在外结婚,这使得农村适龄结婚女性数量进一步减少 ... http://zqb.cyol.com/html/2024-01/29/nw.D110000zgqnb\_20240129\_5-01.htm
  • 2024年1月29日,湖北省黄石市中级人民法院一审公开开庭审理了中国足球协会原党委副书记、主席陈戌源受贿一案 ... ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/288/988/105.jpg) 黄石市人民检察院指控:**2010年至2023年,被告人陈戌源先后利用担任上海国际港务(集团)股份有限公司总裁、董事长、中国足球协会换届筹备组组长、中国足球协会主席等职务上的便利以及职权、地位形成的便利条件,为相关单位和个人在项目承揽、投资经营、赛事安排等事项上提供帮助,非法收受他人给予的财物共计折合人民币8103万余元。检察机关提请以受贿罪追究陈戌源的刑事责任。** 庭审中,检察机关出示了相关证据,被告人陈戌源及其辩护人进行了质证,控辩双方在法庭的主持下充分发表了意见,陈戌源进行了最后陈述,当庭表示认罪悔罪
  • **Rate, review, share on [Apple Podcasts](https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/football-weekly-the-guardian/id188674007?mt=2), [Soundcloud](https://soundcloud.com/guardianfootballweekly), [Audioboom](https://audioboom.com/channel/football-weekly), [Mixcloud](https://www.mixcloud.com/guardianfootballweekly/), [Acast](https://www.acast.com/footballweekly) and [Stitcher](http://www.stitcher.com/podcast/guardianuk/football-weekly), and join the conversation on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/GuardianPodcasts/), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/guardianaudio) and [email](mailto:[email protected]).** On the podcast today; Chelsea hit Middlesbrough for six while Liverpool edge past Fulham to set up a huge Carabao Cup final for Mauricio Pochettino, who aiming for first silverware in England against a Liverpool side still on course for a shot at the quadruple. Elsewhere, Maidstone United travel to Ipswich Town in the FA Cup, Newport County host Manchester United and Spurs v Manchester City is the tie of the round. Plus: we discuss Kalvin Phillips to West Ham, chicken goujons and your answer your questions. ![Carabao Cup - Semi-Final - Second Leg - Chelsea v MiddlesbroughSoccer Football - Carabao Cup - Semi-Final - Second Leg - Chelsea v Middlesbrough - Stamford Bridge, London, Britain - January 23, 2024 Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino with Chelsea's Cole Palmer and Middlesbrough's Morgan Rogers after the match REUTERS/Dylan Martinez NO USE WITH UNAUTHORIZED AUDIO, VIDEO, DATA, FIXTURE LISTS, CLUB/LEAGUE LOGOS OR 'LIVE' SERVICES. ONLINE IN-MATCH USE LIMITED TO 45 IMAGES, NO VIDEO EMULATION. NO USE IN BETTING, GAMES OR SINGLE CLUB/LEAGUE/PLAYER PUBLICATIONS.](https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/10bfced9dc6cc16f1df667d161c2b98cb2690e90/458_107_2370_1421/master/2370.jpg?width=300&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=c9f319c534faf19cc8a7bbc341989d7d) Photograph: Dylan Martinez/Reuters The Guardian is editorially independent. And we want to keep our journalism open and accessible to all. But we increasingly need our readers to fund our work. [Support The Guardian](https://support.theguardian.com/contribute?acquisitionData=%7B%22componentType%22%3A%22ACQUISITIONS_OTHER%22%2C%22source%22%3A%22DIRECT%22%2C%22campaignCode%22%3A%22footballweekly%22%2C%22componentId%22%3A%22episode_page%22%7D&INTCMP=footballweekly)
  • 1月24日,据上海市人民政府办公厅微信公众号“上海发布”消息,当天,上海市第十六届人民代表大会第二次会议在上海世博中心举行第二次全体会议,黄莉新当选为上海市人大常委会主任 ... 同日,据河北日报消息,在当天上午闭幕的河北省第十四届人民代表大会第二次会议上,夏延军当选为河北省第十四届人大常委会副主任
  • 每年一度的的世界经济论坛将于周二(1月16号)至周五在瑞士阿尔卑斯山的达沃斯举行,全球最具权力的富有的商业、政治和其他精英将齐聚一堂,他们讨论的优先事项清单不断增加,但地球正在升温,中东的冲突尚未解决,世界经济和乌克兰对俄罗斯的防御进展缓慢,人工智能可能会颠覆我们所有人的生活等议题等等都是讨论主题。该论坛曾被认为象征着一个无国界世界的崛起,但现在是空洞的仪式还是仍具有价值的面对面对话? ![A logo is pictured in the Congress Center ahead of the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland, January 13, 2024.](https://s.rfi.fr/media/display/f853ad4c-b38e-11ee-9e8b-005056bf30b7/w:980/p:16x9/2024-01-13T171257Z_80901367_RC23H5AZYIK6_RTRMADP_3_DAVOS-MEETING.JPG) 达沃斯世界经济论坛 REUTERS - DENIS BALIBOUSE 从 1 月 16 日开始,共有来自120个国家的2800名领导人和学者、艺术家和国际组织等各界人士将先后到达这个豪华的滑雪胜地,其中包括60多位国家元首,他们将与那些付高昂费用与会的的全球最大跨国公司的众多首席执行官们擦肩而过或握手言欢 ... 七位瑞士联邦议员中的六位将出席,这证明了伯尔尼对此次活动的重视。达沃斯会议为瑞士联邦提供了一个机会,让其在几天内处于日益紧张的全球博弈的中心,在这场博弈中,瑞士联邦的中立性使其任务变得更加复杂。瑞士部长们还将借此机会与欧盟委员会恢复中断三年的联系
  • ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/285/74/94.jpg) 2023年12月31日,黑龙江省哈尔滨市,游客在冰雪大世界游玩。本文图片 视觉中国 图 2024年的第一个网红城市诞生了 ... 进入2023年底,从各地飞往哈尔滨赏冰乐雪的游客就开始多起来。截至2023年12月20日,哈尔滨机场2023年旅客吞吐量突破2000万人次,成为2023年东北地区首家客流突破2000万的机场
  • 12月28日,全球支付平台PingPong发布《2023跨境市场洞察报告》(下称《报告》),《报告》显示,“一带一路”已成为全球贸易的重要区域市场,企业开辟新市场的地理偏好和业态紧密相关:东南亚、南亚是外贸B2B企业尤其是金属冶金、建材等公司瞄准的目标增长区域,跨境电商则倾向选择美客多、亚马逊等电商平台,将货物卖到墨西哥等拉美地区 ... **外贸B2B企业“下南洋” 跨境电商向拉美** 据报告显示,截至2023年12月12日,PingPong平台内出口交易规模增长显著的几个国家分别是泰国、印度、墨西哥,2023年增幅同比去年分别达到216%、203%、144%
  • 来源:中国新闻周刊 12月25日,《足球报》对2023年中国足坛年度反腐工作进行了总结。文章披露:中国足协党组已内部通报国家体育总局原副局长、中国足协原党委书记杜兆才的涉案金额超过4000万元人民币。另据《足球报》国内部主任李璇在社交媒体披露:“(该金额)刨除退赃,只是现金,还有多处房产。” ![中国足协原党委书记杜兆才 图/视觉中国](//k.sinaimg.cn/n/spider20231225/107/w1024h683/20231225/8280-2e0abc6303128f4130c874689dd24062.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)中国足协原党委书记杜兆才 图/视觉中国 2023年4月1日,中央纪委国家监委网站宣布,国家体育总局党组成员、副局长杜兆才涉嫌严重违纪违法,接受中央纪委国家监委纪律审查和监察调查。2023年4月13日,国务院任免国家工作人员,免去杜兆才的国家体育总局副局长职务 ... 10月7日,据中央纪委国家监委网站,经中共中央批准,中央纪委国家监委对国家体育总局原党组成员、副局长杜兆才严重违纪违法问题进行了立案审查调查
  • ![](https://imagecloud.thepaper.cn/thepaper/image/283/119/107.png) 12月19日,在青海省海东市民和回族土族自治县中川乡草滩村,海东市消防救援支队队员在搜救。新华社 图 北京时间12月18日23时59分,甘肃临夏州积石山县发生6.2级地震。地震造成与积石山县相邻的青海省海东市三个县受灾,截至目前,地震已造成13人遇难、182人受伤,20人失联,部分水、电、交通、通讯等基础设施受损。稍早前,甘肃省召开新闻发布会通报,地震已造成甘肃105人遇难。
  • 据环球网援引英媒12月17日报道,一名英国政府官员披露,出于所谓的“安全考虑”,英国国家电网已决定放弃一家与中国有关联的供应商,并从其设施中移除中国组件。该决定早在今年4月就已做出,英国国家电网还向情报机构政府通信总部(GCHQ)下属的国家网络安全中心征求了意见 ... 英媒称,此次遭禁的中国公司为中国国电南瑞科技股份有限公司,该公司英国分部(NR Electric UK)一名雇员表示,英国国家电网并没有透露终止合同的原因,但该公司员工已不能再进入安装了相关设备的厂房
  • A woman who bought a glass vase for $3.99 at a local Goodwill charity shop has seen the piece auctioned off for more than $100,000 after it turned out to be a rare and valuable piece of Italian glassware. Jessica Vincent had bought the item at a Goodwill thrift store in Hanover county, Virginia, and had an inkling that it might have been worth a little more than was usual, she [told the New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/17/us/goodwill-vase-auction-carlo-scarpa.html). “I had a sense that it might be a $1,000 or $2,000 piece, but I had no clue how good it actually was until I did a little bit more research,” she told the paper after noticing a small ‘M’ on its bottom which she suspected might stand for Murano, an Italian island near Venice famed for glasswork. After snapping it up for a penny short of four bucks, Vincent researched the piece online where enthusiasts pointed out it resembled a work [by famous Italian architect](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/18/t-magazine/carlo-scarpa.html) [Carlo Scarpa](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/18/t-magazine/carlo-scarpa.html). Vincent eventually sent pictures of the vase to the Wright Auction House and almost immediately its president, Richard Wright, got in touch for a chat. “The minute I saw the photos I had a really good feeling,” Wright told the Times. Last week it sold for $107,100 to an unidentified private art collector in Europe after it was officially identified as being part of Scarpa’s 1940s “Pennellate” series .
  • Save correction An earlier version of this report misstated the number of people injured in Gaza since Oct. 7. That number is at least 48,780, not 56,400. This post has been corrected. The United States drew criticism from rights and aids groups for [blocking](https://press.un.org/en/2023/sc15519.doc.htm) a U.N. Security Council draft resolution that called for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza, as well as the unconditional release of all hostages, on Friday. The resolution had near-unanimous support from member states. The State Department is selling $107 million of tank supplies to Israel and subverting congressional approval to do so. [Skip to end of carousel](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/12/09/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/#end-react-aria-1) End of carousel [Skip to end of carousel](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/12/09/israel-hamas-war-news-gaza-palestine/#end-react-aria-2) ### Here's what to know End of carousel **Get important stories as they unfold**Sign up for breaking news alerts
  • ![2023年12月4日,受北方较强冷空气影响,新疆乌鲁木齐市迎来降雪天气。](//k.sinaimg.cn/n/sinakd20231205s/135/w1024h711/20231205/0e34-6ed5696c4065ee3e1dd3636e212cb1b0.jpg/w700d1q75cms.jpg?by=cms_fixed_width)2023年12月4日,受北方较强冷空气影响,新疆乌鲁木齐市迎来降雪天气 ... 中国天气网消息,12月5日起至7日,新一轮较强冷空气将影响我国北方大部地区,其中东北地区气温起伏最为明显。但对黄淮以及南方大部来说,这轮冷空气总体影响不大,未来几天气温仍将继续大幅回升,多地或经历12月少见的温暖。降水方面,今天新疆北部部分地区仍有降雪,局地或现暴雪
  • These are the perfect festive morsels: a sweet dough of naturally green pistachios judiciously seasoned with sea salt (an essential intervention to enhance their nuttiness) which encases a radiant heart of red amarena cherry. Crisp-edged and slightly chewy at the centre, they are quickly assembled, incidentally vegan and gluten-free, keep well and gift even better. Pistachio and cherry amaretti ----------------------------- Prep **25 min** Cook **10 min** Makes **20 biscuits** **200g shelled pistachios** **110g caster sugar****70g** **rolled oats****¼ tsp** **baking powder****A pinch of** **sea salt** **Amarena or maraschino cherries in syrup**, drained (approx 20 cherries) **Icing sugar**, for rolling Heat the oven to 200C (180C fan)/390F/gas 6 and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Put the pistachios, sugar, oats, baking powder and salt in a food processor. Pulse to a fine powder, then add 35g water and pulse until it starts to clump or come together. Rest for 10 minutes and the dough will thicken. To make the cherry-filled amaretti, divide the dough into 20 pieces. Make sure the cherries are drained and patted dry. Roll each piece of dough into a ball, press a cherry into the centre, then pinch the dough around it to cover the cherry, rolling it between your palms until the dough is round. Immediately roll the balls in icing sugar (make sure your fingers are dry) and place on the baking sheet 2½cm apart. Bake the amaretti for eight to 10 minutes, until they turn crackly and take on a light golden hue, then remove and leave to cool completely on a wire rack. Store in a sealed container for up to a week. * Philip Khoury is head pastry chef at Harrods and author of A New Way to Bake: Re-imagined Recipes for Plant-based Cakes, Bakes and Desserts, published by Hardie Grant at £30. To order a copy for £26.40, go to [guardianbookshop.com](https://guardianbookshop.com/a-new-way-to-bake-9781784885922)