Someone Just Moved $1B in Bitcoin
original event

IMHO, all cryptocurrencies are just a new kind of scam, similar to Ponzi Scheme!!!

Maybe, maybe not.

Isn't printing & issuing your own currency and/or stocks illegal & for really good reasons???

Illegal where?

But isn't that what exactly cryptocurrencies really are doing???

Yes. This is not a great discovery.

Why do you think "Satoshi" took first 1 MILLION BITCOINS for himself & disappeared into hiding???

We don't know if s/he is in hiding. What we do know is that s/he is not being pestered by the press everyday of their lives, which seems to be a decent reason to not let them know who you are.

Maybe to make sure law enforcement cannot catch him, if/when BITCOIN SCAM fails/uncovered???

Maybe to sell his 1M Bitcoins all @ once, when Bitcoin price reaches its top limits???

Just THINK it!!!

"Top Limit"? what's that supposed to be?

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